[w3c/webcomponents] When to invoke custom element reactions that were enqueued outside of DOM operations? (#522)

By reading [invoke custom element reactions](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#invoke-custom-element-reactions), I understand after `[CEReactions]` is when we should invoke reactions.

What should we do when DOM was mutated outside of DOM operations? Such operations could happen:

1. `contenteditable` can split (clone) or delete elements.
2. Depends on the conclusion of #521, `style` attribute can change by CSS OM or CSS Animations.

I thought `checked` and `value` in form elements do too, but as far as I tested, they change properties but do not change attributes, so these two are the only cases that came up to me atm, but spec experts here might know more.

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