Re: [webcomponents] Proposed change for Focus Navigation (#381)

> +        <p>Likewise, the <a>sequential focus navigation order</a> for <a>distributed nodes</a>
> +          under a given <a>slot</a> <var>A</var> <strong>must</strong> be inserted into
> +          the <a>sequential focus navigation order</a> of the containing <a>shadow tree</a>'s
> +          <a>sequential focus navigation order</a> as follows:</p>
> +        <ol>
> +          <li>The <a>sequential focus navigation order</a> for its <a>distributed nodes</a>
> +            <strong>must</strong> be skipped if A is assigned <a>tabindex</a> value -1.
> +          <li>If <var>A</var> is not given <a>tabindex</a>,
> +            The <a>sequential focus navigation order</a> for its <a>distributed nodes</a>
> +            <strong>must</strong> be inserted in place of <var>A</var> as if <var>A</var>
> +            were assigned the <a>tabindex</a> value 0 for determining its position.</li>
> +          <li>Otherwise the <a>sequential focus navigation order</a> for its
> +            <a>distributed nodes</a> <strong>must</strong> be inserted in place of
> +            <var>A</var> according to its <a>tabindex</a> value.</li>
> +        </ol>
> +        <p class="note">When a <a>slot</a> <var>A</var> is assigned to another

We do not need to mention this. Please try to have a general rule which covers this case.

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