Re: [dom] High resolution timing for events (#23)


I think @RByers summarized our thinking and the background pretty well in

It is difficult (impossible?) to actually measure the impact before hand in this case and our hope has been that once we hit beta we receive better feedback which we are getting. 

However, I also did [an analysis]( using very recent (Jan 15, 2016 dataset) httparchive data which shows the impact is likely to be < 0.02%.  I looked for the following patterns in top 477k top sites (both mobile and desktop) and tried to categorize and understand if they get broken and I have assumed breakage if the usage was not obvious.

* ```e.timeStamp - value```
* ```value - e.timeStamp```

Clearly this is not the complete picture but gives a sense that the usage of this pattern is quite limited.

In cases where I have seen the issue in a library and have outreached (eg, [1]( and [2]( the fix has been trivial and has address an error or a workaround in the logic for Firefox.

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