Re: [streams] Merge ReadableByteStream into ReadableStream (#418)

Oh, I see, I didn't realize. So our two options are:

- non-BYOB streams have getReader() that if you do .read(view) it fails; BYOB streams have getReader() that allows .read(view)
- non-BYOB streams have getReader() that if you do .read(view) it fails; BYOB streams have .getReader() that also disallows .read(view), but they have .getByobReader() that allows .read(view) (and disallows .read()?).

Now that you lay this out, I think option 1 is better. But! I still don't think we need to merge the two types, unless that is convenient for spec/implementation. We can just have .getReader() return a normal reader for non-BYOB streams, and a BYOB reader for BYOB streams. Or we can merge them into one type; up to you :)

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