Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Include imported scripts to byte-check (#1023)

jungkees commented on this pull request.

> +      1. If |sourceScript| is a [=classic script=], then:
+          1. If |sourceScript|'s [=source text=] is not a byte-for-byte match with |targetScript|'s [=source text=], return false.
+          1. Let |sourceMap| be |sourceScript|'s [=script resource/imported scripts map=].
+          1. [=map/For each=] |url| → |response| of |sourceMap|:
+              1. Let |request| be a new [=/request=] whose [=request/url=] is |url|, [=request/client=] is |job|'s [=job/client=], [=request/type=] is "<code>script</code>", [=request/destination=] is "<code>script</code>", [=request/parser metadata=] is "<code>not parser-inserted</code>", [=request/synchronous flag=] is set, and whose [=request/use-URL-credentials flag=] is set.
+              1. Set |request|'s [=request/cache mode=] to "<code>no-cache</code>" if any of the following are true:
+                  * |registration|'s [=service worker registration/use cache=] is false.
+                  * |job|'s [=force bypass cache flag=] is set.
+                  * |registration|'s [=last update check time=] is not null and the time difference in seconds calculated by the current time minus |registration|’s [=last update check time=] is greater than 86400.
+              1. Let |targetResponse| be the result of [=fetch|fetching=] |request|.
+              1. If |targetResponse|'s <a for="response" href="">cache state</a> is not "<code>local</code>", set |registration|’s [=last update check time=] to the current time.
+              1. Let |targetResponse| be |targetResponse|'s [=unsafe response=].
+              1. If |targetResponse|'s [=response/type=] is "<code>error</code>", or |targetResponse|'s [=response/status=] is not an [=ok status=], return false.
+              1. If the result of [=UTF-8 decoding=] |response|'s [=response/body=] is not a byte-for-byte match with the result of [=UTF-8 decoding=] |targetResponse|'s [=response/body=], return false.
+      1. If |sourceScript| is a [=module script=], then:
+          1. If |sourceScript|’s [=module script/module record=]'s \[[ECMAScriptCode]] is not a byte-for-byte match with |targetScript|’s [=module script/module record=]'s \[[ECMAScriptCode]], return false.

I thought those urls are fetched, parsed and stored as part of the module record, but maybe I'm wrong. I noticed an environment settings object has a module map which is referenced throughout traversing the module script graph. I'll check the algorithms again.

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