Re: [w3c/manifest] Add support for 'serviceworkers' member (#507)

jungkees commented on this pull request.

>                manifest</a>.
               <li>If <a>obtaining the manifest</a> results in an error, a user
               agent can, at this point, fall back to using the <a>top-level
               browsing context</a>' <code>Document</code>'s metadata to
               populate an <a>installation process</a>' UI.
+              <li>If <a>obtaining the manifest</a> succeeds, and the
+              <var>service worker registration</var> of <a>manifest</a> is not
+              <code>undefined</code>, a user agent can at this point
+              <ul>
+                <li>Invoke <a>Start Register</a> with <var>scope</var> and <var>src</var>
+                members of the <var>service worker registration</var>, a new <var>promise</var>,
+                null, <a>manifest URL</a>, <code>"classic"</code> and <code>False</code>,

SW's RegistrationOptions dictionary has been extended: I think both `"classic"` and `"module"` worker types should be covered and also `useCache` should be supported to be aligned with other registration paths. (`useCache` indicates whether the UA should set the cache mode to "no-cache" or "default" when fetching a service worker script from networks.)

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