Re: [whatwg/fetch] URLs with username/password (#26)

You're confusing things, @tyoshino. We track the source of authentication data and it has different processing logic. Dialog-entered credentials enter the cache, but URL or explicitly sourced credentials don't necessarily, and there's entirely separate logic for ambient credentials that may be available from secondary sources (e.g. inferred from the OS user for things like Negotiate, or sourced from low-level credential stores independent of the password manager). For Chromium, please be aware that //net has no relationship to the Fetch API or specification - that is handled by Blink, using the primitives //net exposes. However, that's also part of the concern I am expressing here - to change it as proposed would requiring auditing and changing the //net behaviour to match Fetch, which is not desirable in general, and may also have secondary effects for all the non-Fetch use cases. Further, because it is so low-level, there is greater risk of introducing regressions, in both Chrome a
 nd other //net embedders.

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