Re: [whatwg/fetch] Integrate Client-Hints with Fetch (#258)

> +      <p>Set <var>value</var> to the first matching statement, if any, switching on
> +      <var>hint-name</var>:
> +
> +       <dl class=switch>
> +        <dt>"<code title>dpr</code>"
> +        <dd>a suitable <a href=>dpr value</a>
> +        <dt>"<code title>save-data</code>"
> +        <dd>a suitable <a href=>save-data value</a>
> +        <dt>"<code title>viewport-width</code>"
> +        <dd>a suitable <a href=>viewport-width value</a>
> +        <dt>"<code title>width</code>"
> +        <dd>a suitable <a href=>width value</a></code>
> +       </dl>
> +
> +     <li>
> +      <p><span title=concept-header-list-append>Append</span>

This `<p>` doesn't need to be on a newline since it's the only child of the `<li>`.

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Received on Thursday, 7 April 2016 08:59:33 UTC