[slightlyoff/ServiceWorker] client (#864)

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-- Commit Summary --

  * Allow setting a maxScope with Service-Worker_Allowed header
  * Unregister the registration when it fails against a new max scope in Service-Worker-Allowed header
  * Confine unregistration triggered by Service-Worker-Allowed restriction to same script case
  * Update it to not unregister (but just abort) upon Service-Worker-Allowed header violation
  * Merge branch 'client' of https://github.com/slightlyoff/ServiceWorker
  * Reomve registration from Client
  * Throw a SecurityError rather than a NetworkError upon an invalid Service-Worker-Allowed value
  * Specify Clients.claim()
  * Specify FrameType enum and Client.frameType
  * Specify Client.focus()
  * Rejecting client.focus() if popups not allowed. Part of #602
  * Move the rejecting step of client.focus()
  * Specify client.visibilityState/focused/url and Capture Window Client algorithm
  * Add a functionality to capture a static HTML snapshot
  * Nits for a static html version parsing
  * Upload the 3rd WD prep draft
  * Update capture.js; Nit markups
  * Update markups for pub prep draft
  * Nit markup
  * Update pub prep draft
  * Fix links
  * The ghost-author joins as a co-editor!
  * Correct IDL indentation
  * Set request's client to service worker client for register()/update(); set registration's registering script url to its newest worker's script url
  * clients.getAll -> clients.matchAll. Fixes #610
  * Remove prefixMatch from CacheQueryOptions. Fixes #617
  * Remove unnecessary steps from Install algorithm
  * Update explainer.md
  * Merge pull request #620 from iOnline247/patch-1
  * Use manual redirect flag to prevent redirection for fetching service worker
  * Use TypeError instead of NetworkError exception for fetch integration
  * Sort out promises' chained reaction text
  * fix typo
  * Merge pull request #623 from mathroc/patch-1
  * Remove redundant promises' chained reaction steps
  * Make the "wait for" step in the task queued in Activate run in parallel
  * Correct the steps in CacheStorage.match
  * Add a missing xref to "transforming"
  * Remove the rejection handler (which is the default) steps from CacheStorage.match
  * Minor edit: add "the"
  * Removing scriptCache, we can add it again (and define it again) properly if we need to
  * Removing forwardTo - catered for by Response.redirect. Fixes #637
  * Merge pull request #638 from ithinkihaveacat/patch-1
  * Change "doesn't not" to "doesn't" in README file
  * Remove event.default() - fixes #607
  * Merge pull request #641 from dpursehouse/master
  * Specify ServiceWorker.postMessage() and Client.postMessage()
  * Specify ServiceWorker.id and Client.id with their corresponding concepts
  * Specify Run Service Worker algorithm
  * Specify additional steps for importScripts(urls) called on ServiceWorkerGlobalScope object
  * Correct the steps in the importScripts(urls) for ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
  * Correct a variable deferrence in openWindow(url)
  * Specify the attributes of InstallEvent/FetchEvent and the corresponding event dispatch algorithm steps
  * Set the service worker client and the request's client for UA initiated updates to null
  * Clarify the event loop and the task source for Handle Functional Event
  * Specify the relevent event loop and the task source for Update State algorithm
  * Add links to the filed bug for ServiceWorker.postMessage and Client.postMessage
  * Update explainer.md
  * Update explainer.md
  * Correct a xref to the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope object's associated service worker
  * Update the description of section 5 Caches, which fixes #491.
  * Set controlled clients' active worker to null when Activate fails
  * Update Activate algorithm: Fire a controllerchange event at currently controlled clients.
  * Remove InstallEvent interface and use ExtendableEvent for install event
  * Set e.source of messages between service workers to a ServiceWorker object.
  * Confine the clients to controlled clients in Activate algorithm.
  * Serialize the steps of Update/Install/Activate algorithms instead of running them 'atomically' in parallel.
  * Correct reference to step numbers.
  * Reject on cache add/addAll/put if the response has Vary: *
  * Remove response's body upon HEAD requests on Cache
  * Parse the Vary header in cache.addAll to check if * is embedded in the value
  * Parse the Vary header in cache.put to check if * is embedded in the value
  * Sanitize requests passed to cache methods
  * Make addAll/put return early when the request's method is not "GET"
  * Set the request's context to "fetch" for a fetch performed in addAll()
  * Sort out the sanitization steps and method checking steps in cache methods
  * Give FetchEvent an waitUntil(f).
  * Clean up use of RFC2119 text.
  * Update web-spec-framework.
  * Rewrite paragraph about declarative-only solutions
  * Upload a registration figure for discussion purpose.
  * Merge pull request #676 from hubgit/patch-1
  * Set FetchEvent.client IDL attribute nullable; give the dictionary members default values.
  * Make FetchEvent.client be non-nullable and required to be provided as is FetchEvent.request.
  * Throw QuotaExceededError exception when cache write fails due to that reason (fixes #286); remove onbeforeevicted and onevicted in favor of the extensions in Quota Management API.
  * Make Handle Fetch return a network error when the service worker is terminated by the UA. Fixes #569.
  * Make FetchEventInit inherit from ExtendableEventInit. Fixes #683.
  * You don't need any flags in Chrome today :)
  * Call Handle Service Worker Client Unload in clients.claim() before changing the controller. Fixes #682.
  * Make client.focus() reject if the focus state internal slot is not set to true. Fixes #640."
  * Remove the concept of activation failure and the steps that have handled it.
  * Handle the installation failure when UA aborts the script execution.
  * Make the result promise of the methods of CacheStore reject when run on an origin that is a unique identifier.
  * Specify ServiceWorkerMessageEvent and ExtendableMessageEvent.
  * Update web-spec-framework
  * Add missing markups for rfc2119 key words.
  * Add the extended attribute [NewObject] and [SameObject].
  * Remove steps that checks activation failure.
  * Creating an about:blank window from SW is useless. Reject in this case. Fixes #696.
  * Change origin wording. Fixes #695
  * Add client.navigate() - part of #681
  * URL should not be optional
  * Make promise reject in clients.openWindow() and client.navigate() when the operations throw
  * Make the promise settlement types of ServiceWorkerContainer.getResitrations() and Clients.matchAll() non-nullable.
  * Remove e.initServiceWorkerMessageEvent() and e.initExtendableMessageEvent() methods. Fixes #701.
  * Use parent's registration for iframes whose request's url is local. Fixes #612."
  * Make a note / file a bug in HTML for sw / appcache behavior. Fixes #275.
  * File a bug in HTML to extend now monkey patched importScripts(urls) method. Fixes #106.
  * Clients.openWindow(url)'s result promise can resolve with null.
  * Merge pull request #686 from karolklp/patch-1
  * Limit Cache API to secure contexts.
  * updatefound event should be dispatched on ServiceWorkerRegistration
  * Merge pull request #714 from nhiroki/updatefound
  * Add ack for PR and support.
  * Initial commit for a new WD.
  * Correct section id and xref.
  * Fix xrefs.
  * Update references.
  * Less gushing praise now I'm an editor :D fixes #716
  * Add service worker's set of event types to handle internal slot and enforce a rule in Handle Fetch.
  * Reject if the path of scriptURL or scope contains escaped / or \. Closes #630.
  * Add a note in CacheStorage.delete() to clarify the lifetime of the currently referenced Cache, Request, Response objects. Closes #538.
  * Make registration.update() return a promise that transform the Update promise. Closes #311.
  * Fix Web IDL to FetchEvent.respondWith(Promise<Response> responsePromise). Closes #724.
  * Change the name of the argument of respondWith back to r as it effectively takes both a Response and a Promise<Response>.
  * Remove client request requirement from respondWith(). Closes #725.
  * Use dispatch flag to control the context of respondWith invocation. Closes #726.
  * Update text of a non-normative description of respondWith to a note.
  * Clarify Update cycle introducing service worker's max age and registration's last update time.
  * Return a rejected promise for registration.update() when it's tried on a registration having no service worker version yet.
  * Add privacy section.
  * Use dispatch flag to check the context for waitUntil invocation.
  * Update 6. Security Consideration section.
  * Remove "file" scheme from the list of allowed origin component for now; fetch currently suggests returning a network error for it.
  * Update Secure Context section; add Implementer Concerns section.
  * Add xref to "in parallel".
  * Clarify openWindow(url) and navigate(url) check the security origin against the url after redirects if any. Closes #646.
  * Remove ServiceWorker.id; not mandate UUID for service worker / service worker client's id.
  * Add force bypass cache flag for Soft Update / Update algorithm; set it for .update() method.
  * Use new hooks from fetch; refine selection concept.
  * Mention self.skipWaiting() instead of event.replace()
  * Merge pull request #733 from zuzusik/patch-1
  * Not set the force bypass cache flag for registration.update().
  * Allow importScripts() only in the install event's listeners' context.
  * Define registration's task queues and Terminate Service Worker algorithm to back up an active worker's tasks upon termination.
  * Add missing xrefs.
  * Add a note for handle functional event task source.
  * Apply new hooks from fetch to some missed part.
  * typo: excecution -> execution
  * Use URL records instead of URL strings for the internal algorithm. Fixes #736.
  * Merge pull request #739 from chadoliver/patch-1
  * Define the object hierarchy for navigator.serviceWorker, self.caches, and self.clients. Fixes #689.
  * Clarify the last update check time behavior; remove service worker's max age internal slot which is not required to specify the behavior.
  * Clarify the expression for the same object / distinct object for promise resolution values.
  * Use a new algorithm and hooks for importScripts(urls) called on a ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.
  * Clarify behavior with scriptURL's fragments; add xrefs to URLAequalsB. Fixes #742.
  * Make FetchEvent be cancelable. Fixes #741.
  * Remove importscripts allowed flag
  * Fix missing markup
  * Retain a registration that has a non-null newest worker in Handle Service Worker Client Unload.
  * Remove FetchEvent.client. This will be replaced by either an async method or a getter for a simple id.
  * Add xrefs to creation URL in HTML.
  * s/arguement/argument/g
  * Fix spelling error: arguement -> argument
  * Merge pull request #747 from martinthomson/patch-1
  * Merge pull request #748 from mkruisselbrink/fix-typos
  * Fix xref
  * Start with trying to spec foreign fetch.
  * Make a new branch for Service Workers 1.
  * Merge pull request #749 from mkruisselbrink/foreign-fetch
  * Remove TS file in favor of having a full spec now.
  * Ack foreign fetch contributors; update registerForeignFetchScopes(subScopes) steps.
  * Revert (manually) the foreign fetch PR for more discussion and review.
  * Correct grammatical/editorial errors reported by timeless.
  * Add a note for Soft Update's force bypass cache flag. Fixes #753.
  * Make the dictionary member ports nullable; remove notes about navigator.connect().
  * Apply secure contexts requirements.
  * Clarify the URL string matching in Match Service Worker Registration is prefix-based. Fixes #760.
  * Add more guards to Match Service Worker Registration and Get Registration algorithms.
  * Clarify the references to scope to registration map. Fixes #762.
  * Adjust the update timestamp bumping step in Update algorithm. Fixes #514.
  * Remove [SameObject] extended attribute for .installing/.waiting/.active and .controller. Fixes #767 #768.
  * Change IDL type to any for properties returning/resolving with undefined. Fixes #764.
  * Make Update reject with a TypeError when uncaught runtime script error occurs. Fixes #740.
  * Avoid a burst of events triggering Soft Updates. Fixes #759.
  * Adjust reset timing of the uninstalling flag: Register unsets it, and update() and Soft Update do not. Fixes #746.
  * Add a note in Unregister algorithm. Fixes #763.
  * Use void type for promise resolution value that exclusively returns undefined. Fixes #764.
  * Some grammar.
  * Break up some sentences. Fixes #774
  * Break up sentences that describes registration's task queue. Fixes #773.
  * Fix the miss in the previous commit.
  * Define the extended HTTP headers. Fixes #717.
  * Add note that activate event cannot fail SW activation. Fixes #776.
  * Use percent-encoded value for Service-Worker header's value; Use URL parser for validating Service-Worker-Allowed header's value instead of ABNF.
  * Add examples for Service-Worker-Allowed header. Fixes #775.
  * Invoke the has focus steps instead of hasFocus() method directly. Fixes #633.
  * Require request property for constructing a FetchEvent object. Fixes #680.
  * Add FetchEvent.clientId.
  * Refine Client/Clients methods regarding queuing tasks.
  * Add Clients.get(id).
  * Allow only http/https schemes for .register(scriptURL, options). Fixes #780.
  * Correct a wrong condition checking the registration queue in Soft Update.
  * Reject .update() promise when uninstalling flag is set. Fixes #784.
  * Make Handle Functional Event wait for active worker to become activated. Fixes #786.
  * Use dictionary argument's default value and remove the prose. Fixes #792.
  * Rely on WebIDL for optional dictionary argument check instead of doing prose.
  * Use normative words in appendix B. Fixes #795.
  * Revision of Register/Update/Unregister algorithms replacing multiple algorithm thread queues with a single job queue structure.
  * Fix missed bits in the promise settlements in register() and update().
  * Fix xref to Run Job.
  * Fix refs to algorithm steps numbers.
  * Set FetchEvent.clientId to null for non-subresource requests.
  * Add a guard in Update algorithm to check the uninstalling flag.
  * Settle promises for the aggregated jobs.
  * Remove the additional uninstalling flag checks in update() and Soft Update.
  * Ensure in Install algorithm the statechange events fire before proceeding with Activate algorithm.
  * Change words to avoid normative requirements twice but make the meaning clear. Fixes #795.
  * Remove the steps in Install that purge active workers early. Fixes #821.
  * Make a subresource request trigger a 24-hour-checked update.
  * Observe event listener additions only during the very first script evalution; enforce early return at all the functional events based on this info.
  * Delay update until after document has been dispatched DOMContentLoaded or worker has evaluated. Fixes #788.
  * Fix xref.
  * Convert spec to bikeshed.
  * Add user agent shutdown rules. Fixes #794.
  * Regenerate spec with newer bikeshed version.
  * Initial specification for foreign fetch.
  * Merge pull request #751 from mkruisselbrink/foreign-fetch
  * Regenerate HTML with latest bikeshed version.
  * Fix typo.
  * Add worker modules
  * Address the review comments and generate html after resolving merge conflicts
  * Fix missed bits in validate the response steps.
  * Set redirect mode to "error" for V1. (Nightly already has this change.)
  * Replace "used flag" with "disturbed" definition and the consume body behavior.
  * Use internal response and Headers's guard
  * Correct a typo
  * Change add(request) and addAll(requests) behavior
  * Don't associate ServiceWorker and ServiceWorkerRegistration with a client.
  * Correctly pass worker type to jobs.
  * Remove "Doom Installing Worker" algorithm
  * Fix respondWith's consuming input response's body stream steps
  * Add a missing job promise rejection steps in Update algorithm. Fixes #852.
  * Do not aggregate a job whose equivalent job's promise has already settled. Fix #853.
  * Reject update attempts for an installing worker. Fixes #800.
  * Fix b2083b4ebaf3e421bf8a13725f5bb14f3fa36fc5 with @wanderview's comment.

-- File Changes --

    M README.md (15)
    M explainer.md (34)
    A foreign_fetch_explainer.md (51)
    D package.json (14)
    A publish/service_worker/WD-service-workers-20150205/index.html (3546)
    A publish/service_worker/WD-service-workers-20150625/index.html (3835)
    D service_worker.js (857)
    D service_worker.ts (1048)
    A spec/assets/scripts/capture.js (620)
    M spec/assets/web-spec-framework (2)
    A spec/service_worker/index.bs (4199)
    M spec/service_worker/index.html (8561)
    A spec/service_worker/sw-registration-figure.svg (1)
    A spec/service_worker_1/index.bs (3953)
    A spec/service_worker_1/index.html (5761)

-- Patch Links --


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