Re: [manifest] Add background_color member. (#396)

> +        <h3>
> +          <code title="">background_color</code> member
> +        </h3>
> +        <p>
> +          The <dfn id=
> +          "member-background_color"><code>background_color</code></dfn> member
> +          describes the expected background color of the web application. It
> +          will repeat what is already available in the application stylesheet
> +          but can be used by the <a>user agent</a> to draw the background color
> +          of a web application for which the manifest is know before the files
> +          are actually available, whether they are fetched from the network or
> +          retrieved from the disk.
> +        </p>
> +        <p>
> +          The <code>background_color</code> member is only meant to improve the
> +          user experience while a web application is loading and should not be

"should not" needs to be "MUST NOT"

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