[streams] Transform streams and acknowledgement of writes (#329)

Spinning off from roughly https://github.com/yutakahirano/fetch-with-streams/issues/30#issuecomment-92954801, I think we want to take a more general look at how we envision transform streams working.

Here is some code for reference:

const ts = TransformStream.identity({ highWaterMark: 0 }); // speculative API

ts.writable.write("foo").then(onWritten, onWriteFailed);

setTimeout(() => {
  ts.readable.getReader().read().then(({ value, done }) => {
    // (1)
    return doSomethingAsyncWith(value);
}, 1000);

In the current design, `onWritten` will always be called ASAP, whereas `onWriteFailed` will never happen. (In the more general transform stream case, `onWritten` will be called when the possibly-async transformation finishes, while `onWriteFailed` will be called if it fails.) The current design is based on how Node.js/io.js handles things.

In the linked thread, @wanderview proposes (indirectly) a design where `onWritten` is called only after the chunk leaves the transform stream to head for the readable stream (i.e. after 1 second, roughly around the same time as (1)). In this design `onWriteFailed` is also never called.

@tyoshino's read-acknowledgment proposal (#324 and previous) would allow for a third design, where `onWritten` would be called once `doSomethingAsyncWith(value)` succeeds, and `onWriteFailed` would be called if it fails. This would require a slight modification to the above, e.g. something like

ts.readable.getReader({ requireAcks: true }).read().then(({ value, done, waitUntil }) => {

which could be a burden on the consumer to remember to use.


There's two aspects to keep in mind with these proposals:

- How well they propagate write success/failure
- How well they propagate backpressure

I think all can propagate backpressure pretty well, with minor tricks. But propagating write success/failure all the way from the ultimate sink to the original producer is only really possible with #324, I think. (Except perhaps through things like #325 which could help with special cases...)

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