[Bug 23751] "Select" key is not defined in the latest ED


--- Comment #4 from Masayuki Nakano <masayuki@d-toybox.com> ---
I tested Sun keyboard's special keys:
              Windows                    Linux
Help:                                    Help
Stop:                                    Cancel
Again:                                   Redo
Props:                                   SunProps
Undo:                                    Undo
Front:                                   SunFront
Copy:                                    XF86Copy
Open:                                    XF86Open
Paste:                                   XF86Paste
Find:                                    Find
Cut:                                     XF86Cut
確定(Kakutei): VK_NONCONVERT              Muhenkan
変換(Henkan):  VK_CONVERT                 Henkan_Mode
日本語On-Off:  VK_OEM_COPY/VK_OEM_FINISH  Hiragana-Katakana/Romaji
Compose:      VK_APPS                    Menu
かな:          Right-Alt                  Alt_R

確定/変換/日本語On-Off/Compose/かな are mapped as keys on normal JIS keyboard. So, we
don't need to worry about them.

For Help - Cut, only Linux generates specific key event (Help is supported on
Mac too, though).

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Received on Tuesday, 10 December 2013 08:26:03 UTC