[Bug 19414] Implement finishPropagation() method


--- Comment #9 from John A. Bilicki III <jab_creations@yahoo.com> ---
The user triggers the event when they paste content, why would I stop the event
from pasting the content inside of the textarea? That makes absolutely no
sense! I *WANT* the paste event to trigger in the textarea after I have given
it focus so that I can take the text (that now no longer is (X)HTML) so I can
put it in to the contenteditable element where the user intended. The whole
point is to prevent someone from going to a highly inappropriate site,
selecting large portion or even the entire page in Firefox and then easily
posting it with the rich text editor. Stopping the event and finishing the
event are two completely opposite things.

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Received on Thursday, 11 October 2012 04:04:12 UTC