[Bug 18547] Add [ImplicitThis] to EventTarget?


--- Comment #8 from Cameron McCormack <cam@mcc.id.au> ---
(In reply to comment #7)
> >  interface WindowProxy {
> >    readonly attribute WindowProxy window;
> >  };
> That seems nonsensical.  Shouldn't that attribute be on Window?  There is no
> actual WindowProxy interface....  (Or no actual Window interface; pick your
> poison.)

Er, yep.

> But yes, the getter for that attribute needs to have something like
> [ImplicitThis].
> My gut reaction is that every single thing on Window should have it so we
> don't break the web, but it's worth checking with the ES folks for what they
> want here.

Allen, can you tell us about the intentions of strict mode's "not converting
null/undefined to the global object" and whether that was intended to apply to
everything on the window object, or more for user defined functions?

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Received on Friday, 7 December 2012 01:30:06 UTC