Need PDF of MS' input [Was Re: Seeking earlier feedback from MS]

Sunava - as requested by several members of the WG, please send a PDF  
version of this document directly to the public-webapps mail list.

-Thanks, Art Barstow

On Jun 11, 2008, at 11:36 PM, ext Sunava Dutta wrote:

> Try this link instead:
> ________________________________________
> From: Sunava Dutta
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 8:24 PM
> To: Sunava Dutta; Arthur Barstow; ext Jonas Sicking; Marc Silbey;  
> Cc:; WG (public); public- 
>; Eric Lawrence; Chris Wilson; David Ross; Mark  
> Shlimovich (SWI); Doug Stamper; Zhenbin Xu
> Subject: RE: Seeking earlier feedback from MS [Was: IE Team's  
> Proposal for  Cross Site Requests]
> Woo hooo, my first mail to the new webapps alias! -:)
> Thanks for waiting for us to get feedback in from people across  
> MSFT. As promised, here is the whitepaper on client side cross  
> domain security articulating the security principles and challenges  
> (high level and specifics ) of the current CS-XHR draft.
> I've also addressed the questions members raised in the FAQ.
> As Jonas and Art mention, in order to provide the opportunity for  
> members to research and usefully discuss the contents and other  
> issues, lets talk about our concerns among other items F2F in the  
> first week of July.
> C=7165bcd1f09048ac9fdcd34d2f9556b1&URL=http%3a%2f% 
> 2fProjectReleases.aspx%3fReleaseId%3d1157
> Look forward to hosting the members here in Redmond.
> ________________________________________
> From: []  
> On Behalf Of Sunava Dutta []
> Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 2:54 PM
> To: Arthur Barstow; ext Jonas Sicking; Marc Silbey
> Cc:; WG (public); public- 
>; Eric Lawrence; Chris Wilson; David Ross; Mark  
> Shlimovich (SWI); Doug Stamper; Zhenbin Xu
> Subject: RE: Seeking earlier feedback from MS [Was: IE Team's  
> Proposal for  Cross Site Requests]
> Art, Jonas,
> Just a quick update. We've put a lot of effort into the paper and  
> the good news is we're nearly done. It's going through a final peer- 
> review to make sure we've received feedback from experts in the  
> company including our security gurus. (Yes, they do exist at MSFT -:))
> I'll be sending out the paper on Tuesday evening or Wednesday the  
> latest. Thanks for waiting.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Arthur Barstow []
>> Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 5:06 AM
>> To: ext Jonas Sicking; Sunava Dutta
>> Cc:; WG (public); public-
>>; IE8 Core AJAX SWAT Team; Eric Lawrence; Chris  
>> Wilson;
>> David Ross; Mark Shlimovich (SWI); Doug Stamper; Zhenbin Xu
>> Subject: Seeking earlier feedback from MS [Was: IE Team's Proposal  
>> for
>> Cross Site Requests]
>> Sunava - I tend to agree with Jonas re the timing of MS' response/
>> feedback.
>> Given the f2f meeting is now about six weeks away, can you commit to
>> and deliver on an earlier deadline, no later than June 6?
>> -Regards, Art Barstow
>> On May 15, 2008, at 10:39 PM, ext Jonas Sicking wrote:
>>> Sunava Dutta wrote:
>>>>>> This message is not attempting to set forth in detail all the
>>>>> objections we have had; Sunava will >deliver that in a concise  
>>>>> form.
>>>>> Can you give us a ballpark ETA on this?
>>>> [Sunava Dutta] Sure, I'm compiling this as we speak. I expect
>>> this to
>>>> be ready and available to the Web API by mid June in the latest.
>>> Wow, this is really bad news that we won't get this feedback until
>>> just two weeks before the face to face meeting. Especially given
>>> the numerous delays in getting this feedback in the past I am very
>>> worried that there will be further delays. Are you absolutely
>>> certain that won't happen again?
>>> Even just having two weeks in order to discuss this feedback prior
>>> to the meeting seems like very short on time.
>>> I would really encourage you to consider providing this feedback
>>> more promptly. I do not wish to attend a face to face meeting
>>> solely to discuss new feedback which we have not had the
>>> opportunity to research and cannot usefully discuss. I also hope to
>>> cover much more than microsofts feedback during the meeting.

Received on Thursday, 12 June 2008 10:47:00 UTC