Re: XHR tests

On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 15:56:25 +0100, Anne van Kesteren <>  
>> This is more like a demo than a test case, it doesn't return a  
>> pass/fail to the framework and it doesn't really test what TITLE  
>> claims. (What it *does* test is that readyState is 1 in the first event  
>> sent when you call send() on a synchronous request..). Anne, please fix  
>> this test and figure out what you meant to test with this script.

This is fixed now. responseText no longer throws and will always return a  

>> Tests getAllResponseHeaders() output if the request ends up in an  
>> endless redirect loop. Assumes that it should return null.

It now tests for the empty string. getAllResponseHeaders() will always  
return a DOMString.

getResponseHeader() will still return null for this case as it already has  
another case where it returns null. Returning null seems more natural  
therefore and I don't think it will cause any harm if implementations  
change that.

> This one passes in Firefox 3 and IE7. Though the alert() statement  
> should probably be removed.


>> Same as 010 except it tests for first argument being undefined and IE  
>> doesn't actually throw here.
> Should we change the API so that undefined stringifies as IE does? Does  
> IE stringify for the value too? And what does it do for null?

We can fix this when the Web IDL spec is done.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2008 13:48:58 UTC