Re: [selectors-api] Selectors API comments: section 2

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> Boris Zbarsky wrote:
>> Lachlan Hunt wrote:
>>> The Selectors specification defines the conformance criteria for a 
>>> group of selectors, and thus an invalid selector is one that does not 
>>> conform to those requirements.  I have updated the text to more 
>>> clearly refer to the conformance requirements in Selectors.
>> So if I read this correctly, the selector is "invalid" if the UA 
>> doesn't know what to do with it (which is what Selectors specifies).  
>> In particular, if I use, say, a -o-something selector supported by 
>> Opera, Opera would not throw while other UAs would.  Is that correct?
> Yes.
>> Looking back at this, I didn't phrase my concern well.  The real 
>> question is whether the Selectors API implementation must support the 
>> same set of selectors for both Selectors API and CSS matching, 
>> assuming it does CSS at all.  For example, a number of selectors are a 
>> lot easier to implement for Selectors API than they are for CSS 
>> matching, since Selectors API doesn't need to handle dynamic changes.
>> I can see several approaches here:
>> 1)  Implementations MUST support the same set of selectors for both 
>> CSS matching
>>     and Selectors API.
>> 2)  Implementations MUST support a superset of the selectors used for CSS
>>     matching in Selectors API (possibly with a SHOULD that the sets 
>> should be
>>     the same?).
>> 3)  Say nothing or explicitly let UAs do whatever they want in this 
>> regard.
>> The current spec does #3.  While I don't have a problem with that per 
>> se, I just wanted to check that this is really what is desired.
> I have added the following text to the spec:
>   "If the user agent also supports some level of CSS, the implementation
>    must support the same set of selectors that are supported by the CSS
>    implementation."

This doesn't really make it clear if that is 1 or 2 above. In both cases 
the same set of selectors are supported, but for 2 the selectors-api 
implementation is allowed to implement additional selectors.

/ Jonas

Received on Friday, 15 February 2008 18:38:51 UTC