DOM Events

Hello Editors,

In the context of JSR280 DOM API (JCP), I have here a couple of requests for clarifications for various WebAPI/DOM specifications/drafts. I kindly ask you for your opinion ... 

/Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

> /Hi Jean-Yves,
> can you please send them to the list so the editor of the spec sees them (and the rest of the working group)?/
* DOM3/Event/EventTarget
Method: EventTarget.dispatchEvent(Event evt)
It is unclear how to notify an application about incorrect event target, when correct event is being dispatched to incorrect eventTarget by EventTarget.dispatchEvent(Event evt).
Declared exceptions in the "Throws" part aren't suitable for this goal.
EventException.DISPATCH_REQUEST_ERR may be used for synchronization of dispatching some correct event to different nodes in different threads.

* DOM3/Event/initMutationEvent
Method: initMutationEvent(NS)(...)
Few parameters have "This value may be null". Parameter "relatedNode" not although it is possible that this arg is null...
The spec should allow relatedNode to be null  :-) 
(Same applies to initMutationEventNS())
What to you think: any chance to have this clarified into the DOM event spec?

* DOM3/Event/DocumentEvent
Method: canDispatch()
The documentation of canDispatch says: "Tests if the implementation can generate events of a specified type."
while the return value description is:
"true if the implementation can generate and dispatch this event type, false otherwise"
Note there is "and dispatch" part of the assertion. If we remove this part, then there will be no reason for confusion with an application events. Now it sounds like the implementation cannot dispatch application specific events.
Do you think you can remove the "and dispatch" part from the assertion ?

I thereby also give permission to forward these requests to w3c.
best regards,


<> 	*Jean-Yves Bitterlich*
Senior Staff Engineer
*Sun Microsystems GmbH*
Sonnenallee 1, 85551 Heimstetten, Germany
/Mobile: / 	+49-172-8187243
/Phone: / 	+49-89-46008-1097 (x61097)
/Fax: / 	+49-89-46008-2978 (x62978)
/Email: / 	Jean-Yves.Bitterlich@Sun.COM

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Received on Thursday, 29 March 2007 09:07:33 UTC