Re: Selectors API naming

On Jan 25, 2007, at 21:51, Robert Sayre wrote:
> I encourage you to read the WG charter.
> <>

I think Jon knows the charter :)

> Looking over the charter, I see the proceedings of the WG are
> Member-Only (bad)

That is the default. Note that in January last year (i.e. at the very  
beginning of the group) the WG decided to perform its work in public,  
which they are doing.

> If the WG doesn't provide public minutes

It used to, but it is a lot of work (since they need to be cleaned  
up) and people in the community rarely answer, which seems to  
indicate that they never read them.

> , and doesn't otherwise
> respond to public comments from WG members and the general public,

This WG responds all the time, I don't know why you're saying that.

> I
> think it should change its charter to be entirely Member Confidential.
> I wouldn't want that, but it seems like it would be more accurate.

This comes from completely nowhere.

Robin Berjon -
"I write plays because dialogue is the most respectable way of
  contradicting myself."
             -- Tom Stoppard

Received on Friday, 26 January 2007 10:53:02 UTC