Re: Selectors API naming

On 1/25/07, Jon Ferraiolo <> wrote:
> I encourage you to read the process document

I encourage you to read the WG charter.

Looking over the charter, I see the proceedings of the WG are
Member-Only (bad), but it also states:

"For example, the Working Group should publish specifications often,
send summaries of Working Group activity to a public list and
participate in those public lists, responding to comments in a timely

If the WG doesn't provide public minutes, and doesn't otherwise
respond to public comments from WG members and the general public, I
think it should change its charter to be entirely Member Confidential.
I wouldn't want that, but it seems like it would be more accurate.


Robert Sayre

Received on Thursday, 25 January 2007 20:51:54 UTC