Re: XMLHTTPRequest: HTTP 303 response must be visible to caller

In section 1.7 ("Not in this Specification") of the current draft [1], one
of the items listed is:
* "Property to disable following redirects"

>From the original URI of the request to the actual data location there can
be almost any number of redirects. In some applications maybe it is of no
interest where exactly is the data, as long as it finally gets to the user,
so stopping for each 3xx would be a waste. On the other hand, there could be
applications where the data is of no interest unless it comes from the
specified location. In my opinion, making a global decision whether or not
to transparently follow redirects is not the best solution.

getResponseHeader returns only the last response header [2], so in the case
of transparent redirection the client code cannot access the intermediate
3xx responses. If the XMLHttpRequest object is to transparently follow
redirects, then there should at least be a way to log and access all these
intermediate steps.


Received on Saturday, 9 September 2006 17:51:13 UTC