Re: XMLHttpRequest Object feedback

On Mon, 01 May 2006 19:17:27 +0200, Mark Nottingham <>  
> [...]
>> Well, another way to set these headers is letting the author do it. So  
>> I can see why there's a requirement on UAs here from that perspective...
> I was thinking of something like
> "UAs must not allow the Content-Length, Connection or Keep-Alive headers  
> to be overridden."
> instead of
> "UAs must set the Connection and Keep-Alive headers as described by the  
> HTTP specification, and must not allow those headers to be overridden."
> because HTTP already tells UAs how to deal with these headers, and they  
> don't always have to set them.
> Same sort of text for the Host header.

Given that we now have a separate thread on headers and everything else in  
this list of comments has been addressed I consider this thread as closed.  
Thanks for your comments!

>>> Also, add TE to the list of headers that UAs MAY add.
>> It MUST NOT be overriden?
> Yes.

That's been done.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 12 May 2006 11:35:03 UTC