Re: Indicating XHR conformance

On 2006/05/10, at 2:35 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> While this is a neat idea in theory, but is fairly useless in  
> practice. How many times have you used the similar function  
> 'hasFeature'? Hopefully pretty much all implementations will very  
> soon pass the full test suite. If not we have probably written a  
> too complicated spec.

I'd agree, except for the optional features that the UA can perform  
on behalf of the author; e.g., caching, expect/continue support,  
conneg, content-codings, cookies, authentication. If the author needs  
to handle those, or invoke an alternate mechanism, it would be a lot  
easier if there was some way to find out if they were taking place.

> The above methods don't actually even solve the problem you brought  
> up, the ability to know if a certain http-method is supported. If  
> we really want that we could add a 'supportsMethod' function or  
> similar.

They were just an example, not a complete proposal.

Mark Nottingham

Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2006 21:54:47 UTC