DOM-Events: Non-bubbleable means non-capturable?

Dear All,

We've got several events that do not bubble, 
they are: focus, blur, load etc.
Due to them I have an unclear issue that I'd like to hear 
your opinion on: Must ALL the events dispatched by the 
implementation or by developer have capturing-phase 
(including the ones mentioned above)?

Since there is no DOM interface for dispatching 
non-capturable events, I would guess the answer 
to this question is "yes" but the test case given 
below proves different behaviour in FF.

<div id="test">
<input type="text"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementsById("test").addEventListener("focus", function(oEvent){alert(1);}, true);

The alert is never fired, that actually means that 
non-bubbleable event "focus" is non-capturable!
This is appear to me to be wrong.

What is the reality/behaviour we will go with? 
Could the WEB-APIs group raise an issue on the topic?

Sergey Ilinsky/

System Architect
BackBase B.V.

Received on Thursday, 23 March 2006 11:48:07 UTC