Re: Extension HTTP methods

On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 23:46:09 +0200, Mark Nottingham <>  

> Blindly standardising what one vendor does doesn't make sense;

We can certainly assume they have thought long and hard about a change  
that WILL break existing content.

> do you know *why* they consider it a security feature?

I have heard the verb "CONNECT" brought up as an especially important one  
that scripts should not be allowed to send at random due to its usage to  
initiate HTTPS connections. I don't know enough about SSL to discuss abuse  

> The reputed security problems with various HTTP methods have been  
> brought up many times, but I have yet to see an explanation of how they  
> actually cause a security issue greater than supporting POST does.

If you look at the "request smuggling" [1] exploits there is plenty of  
scope for problems even in the naive implementations of HTTP GET/POST. If  
you can send a random verb you could probably "fake" a protocol with other  
conventions for how content is sent, thereby making it harder to secure  
proxies and servers against request smuggling.

I assume allowing random verbs for XHR will make it harder to develop HTTP  
or HTTP-compatible protocols in the future because Joe Web Developer will  
have used verbs in a random web app that might clash with a particular  
development of HTTP, and noone will find out until the server is upgraded  
to support the new HTTP version and the web app falls apart... Even though  
I don't know the security aspect in depth I can agree that extending HTTP  
with new verbs is up to some comittee in IETF or W3C, not something any  
random web developer should be doing because they can.


Hallvord R. M. Steen
Core QA JavaScript tester, Opera Software
Opera - simply the best Internet experience

Received on Friday, 9 June 2006 08:37:13 UTC