Re: ISSUE-30: mousewheel event

"Matthew Raymond" <>
>> MouseScroll is a bad name too, for mice with multiple scrollwheels, not 
>> all
>> of them generally scroll, nor is there always an inherent relationship
>> between wheels and scrolling, just a common one.
>   If the wheel doesn't scroll, why would you want it to trigger the
> event in the first place???

If it does scroll, why would I want it to?  they're equivalent statements 
really.  I want to catch events from input devices to override the default 
behaviour.  Whatever the default behaviour is is irrelevant.

>For instance, I have a button on the side of
> my mouse that's mapped by the mouse settings to the "middle button". My
> mouse doesn't actually have a middle button, because I have a scroll
> wheel there instead (although, technically that could be used as a
> button as well).

So on mousedown I would expect to get information that you mousedown'd with 
such a button, why would you not?

> If I
> configure my mouse wheel to be an "Undo" button, it should trigger a
> "mousewheel"-type event in the first place.

Of course it should, although you may want to configure your OS to hide it 
from the browser entirely.

> and the event in question occurs
> to the element under the pointer device, so it's clear that the first
> half of this event should be "mouse".

Is it clear that the wheel goes to the thing with mousefocus and not the 
focus?  I'm pretty sure when forms have focus in IE it goes with focus, so I 
would've thought it would always go with focus there.  That needs research.


Received on Monday, 27 February 2006 10:47:43 UTC