- From: Samuele Marro <samuele.marro@trinity.ox.ac.uk>
- Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 09:57:35 +0000
- To: Julian Padget <masjap@bath.ac.uk>, "jesse.wright@cs.ox.ac.uk" <jesse.wright@cs.ox.ac.uk>
- CC: "public-webagents@w3.org" <public-webagents@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <LO2P265MB4677ABB88C6229FE6427DDC191CA2@LO2P265MB4677.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
@Rwrinkler Will check it out asap! @Joshua Fair enough, it might make sense to future-proof the name @Julian Yep, I actually took part in the founding meeting for P3394 and I still occasionally attend -- though as you mentioned their focus is more on broad-scope standards Best, Samuele Marro Department Of Engineering Sciences University of Oxford agoraprotocol.org ________________________________ From: Julian Padget <masjap@bath.ac.uk> Sent: Thursday, March 6, 2025 8:19:23 AM To: Samuele Marro <samuele.marro@trinity.ox.ac.uk>; jesse.wright@cs.ox.ac.uk <jesse.wright@cs.ox.ac.uk> Cc: public-webagents@w3.org <public-webagents@w3.org> Subject: Re: WG - Agent-to-Agent LLM Communication Standardization Hi Samuele, Jesse, @jesse.wright@cs.ox.ac.uk<mailto:jesse.wright@cs.ox.ac.uk> we cross paths again! Interested to join this activity. In case you were not aware of it, there is an IEEE working group IEEE SA - P3394 Standard for Large Language Model Agent Interface https://standards.ieee.org/ieee/3394/11377/ that's been going for about a year now. I've not managed to make a meeting in a while but from what I see in mails they are developing a reference implementation to publish under BSD3. As the name implies, the focus is on the API but what gets sent each way clearly matters, so their spec needs to be flexible enough to accommodate a variety of communication protocols. --Julian. ________________________________ From: Samuele Marro <samuele.marro@trinity.ox.ac.uk> Sent: 05 March 2025 16:43 To: public-webagents@w3.org <public-webagents@w3.org> Subject: WG - Agent-to-Agent LLM Communication Standardization You don't often get email from samuele.marro@trinity.ox.ac.uk. Learn why this is important<https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification> CAUTION: This email came from outside of the University. To keep your account safe, only click on links and open attachments if you know the person who sent the email, or you expected to receive this communication. Hello everyone, I'm Samuele Marro, currently doing a PhD on agent communication at the University of Oxford with Microsoft. I've been informally following the activities of the group for some time and officially joined two weeks ago. I've been talking to members of the major companies and organizations working on LLM-based agent frameworks — LangChain, Camel AI, ANP, Wild-Card, Eigent, Stanford, Oxford, Agora, Alan Turing Institute, and GovAI. They've accepted my proposal to set up an early, lean, practical-focused working group on standardizing certain aspects of agent-to-agent communication for LLM-based agents, such as format selection and capability / service description for LLM-based agents. The main strength of the committee is that it includes the creators of all the major agent protocols (Agent Protocol, ANP, Agora, and agents.json), as well as some of the companies most active in terms of web agents. This means that we can get early feedback on how well different approaches work and practical insights from people using agents in business contexts. Given the expertise within the Web Agents CG, we would like to invite you all to take part in the group. The activities of the group are distinct from those of the Web Agents CG, since our main focus is on LLM-specific standards that are not tightly coupled to the Web Architecture. That said, we would like to build them in such a way that they can be used in W3C standards later down the line. If you're interested in participating, please reach out to me or Jesse Wright (jesse.wright@cs.ox.ac.uk) via email. Looking forward to working more closely with you all. Best, Samuele Marro Department Of Engineering Sciences University of Oxford agoraprotocol.org<http://agoraprotocol.org/>
Received on Thursday, 6 March 2025 09:57:42 UTC