Re: WG - Agent-to-Agent LLM Communication Standardization

st 5. 3. 2025 v 23:52 odesílatel Samuele Marro <> napsal:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm Samuele Marro, currently doing a PhD on agent communication at the
> University of Oxford with Microsoft. I've been informally following the
> activities of the group for some time and officially joined two weeks ago.
> I've been talking to members of the major companies and organizations
> working on LLM-based agent frameworks — LangChain, Camel AI, ANP,
> Wild-Card, Eigent, Stanford, Oxford, Agora, Alan Turing Institute, and
> GovAI. They've accepted my proposal to set up an early, lean,
> practical-focused working group on standardizing certain aspects of
> agent-to-agent communication for LLM-based agents, such as format selection
> and capability / service description for LLM-based agents.
> The main strength of the committee is that it includes the creators of all
> the major agent protocols (Agent Protocol, ANP, Agora, and agents.json), as
> well as some of the companies most active in terms of web agents. This
> means that we can get early feedback on how well different approaches work
> and practical insights from people using agents in business contexts.
> Given the expertise within the Web Agents CG, we would like to invite you
> all to take part in the group. The activities of the group are distinct
> from those of the Web Agents CG, since our main focus is on LLM-specific
> standards that are not tightly coupled to the Web Architecture. That said,
> we would like to build them in such a way that they can be used in  W3C
> standards later down the line.

Looks interesting!  Will the work be done in the open?

> If you're interested in participating, please reach out to me or Jesse
> Wright ( via email.
> Looking forward to working more closely with you all.
> Best,
> Samuele Marro
> Department Of Engineering Sciences
> University of Oxford

Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2025 23:08:18 UTC