Re: DKG workshop on Web agents as prosumers of distributed knowledge graphs

Hello everyone,
Dear prof. Antoine, hope you're doing well.

Although I'm quite inconsistent on the Web Agents meetings, this topic is
yet of enormous relevance to my research. I saw the *Attendance-type *will
be in person, but why not ask:

By any chance, will this workshop be available at any online meeting?

Thank you in advance,

Em ter., 27 de ago. de 2024 às 11:03, Antoine Zimmermann <> escreveu:

> Dear Web Agents CG,
> Dear invited participants to the DKG workshop,
> Here is more information about the workshop on Thursday.
> If you haven't been invited officially to the workshop via the COST
> action DKG but are present on site (e.g. because you attended
> EUMAS2024), you can still join us. Invitation is only required if you
> want to claim reimbursement from the COST office.
> The description of the workshop activities has been updated:
> In particular, here are 3 things to focus on:
>   1) Presentations in the morning:
> They will start with a keynote by Alessandro Ricci related to a Web of
> Digital Twins (summary to be published soon), and will be followed by
> position statements by members of the audience. You can still submit a
> short written position statement to the Github repo, following
> instructions on
> .
> Regardless of submissions, everyone in the room will be invited to
> present themselves and tell others what they expect from the workshop
> and how they hope to contribute.
>   2) Demos:
> We planned a demo session but we did not get feedback on this. If there
> are few demos to show, we can reduce the time dedicated to this and have
> a longer working session in the end.
>   3) Working session:
> A scenario description has been added. Note that we want to focus on the
> knowledge graph aspect of Web agents in this workshop, as this is
> sponsored by the COST Action on Distributed Knowledge Graphs. Please
> check the description in advance and take notes of everything that comes
> to your mind in reaction to it. This is about a vacuum cleaner who wants
> to do its cleaning while respecting people's comfort and quietude.
> Best,
> --
> Antoine Zimmermann
> École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
> 158 cours Fauriel
> CS 62362
> 42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
> France
> Tél:+33(0)4 77 49 97 02

Gabriel Lopes
*Interoperability as Jam's sessions!*
*Each system emanating the music that crosses itself, instrumentalizing
scores and ranges...*
*... of Resonance, vibrations, information, data, symbols, ..., Notes.*

*How interoperable are we with the Music the World continuously offers to
our senses?*
*Maybe it depends on our foundations...?*

Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2024 17:14:20 UTC