Re: TPAC 2023 Preparations

Hi Dave,

Thank you for the note — and sorry to hear you will not be attending TPAC this year.

> However, I get the feeling that the WebAgents CG chairs have a very different set of views from me in respect to “agents”.

Actually, the current set of views we mean to promote with respect to agents is intentionally broad. Self-organizing systems and swarms should certainly fit within the scope — and I very much look forward to seeing the updates on this thread. Perhaps a different view came across in the online meeting because we started the discussion from a specific view for consumers in the WoT. This was only meant to kick off the discussions — and in anticipation of the joint TPAC session with the WoT CG/WG.

> With that in mind, I am hoping to see folks work on describing the use cases of interest to them, and justifying how those are commercially relevant.

Indeed, in the online meeting, I think we achieved consensus that use cases are essential for building productive discussions. This is also well aligned with the current draft charter — collecting use cases is one of the first action items we see going forward. We will revisit this action item during the TPAC sessions.

Dave, thanks again for your input — and looking forward to the next online meeting.

Best wishes,

> On 27 Jul 2023, at 10:59, Dave Raggett <> wrote:
> Hi Andrei,
> I won’t be attending TPAC this year.  I look forward to an opportunity to present my work on swarms as a model of collections of mobile and static agents when that work is a little further along.  However, I get the feeling that the WebAgents CG chairs have a very different set of views from me in respect to “agents”. With that in mind, I am hoping to see folks work on describing the use cases of interest to them, and justifying how those are commercially relevant.
> Best regards,
> Dave
>> On 27 Jul 2023, at 09:24, Andrei Ciortea <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> As discussed in the introduction meeting, we would like to invite you to an online meeting before the TPAC. The objective of this meeting is to provide more information on the planned agenda and to help bootstrap our thinking for discussions at the TPAC.
>> If you would like to attend this online meeting, we kindly ask you to fill out this poll by *Aug 14*:
>> More details about our participation to the TPAC are available here:
>> As a kind reminder, please consider submitting a position statement for the TPAC. You can submit your position statement via GitHub or via email (more details at the above link). The submission deadline is August 14 (extended deadline).
>> We look forward to an exciting event! Should you have any questions, we are happy to provide any further information.
>> Best wishes,
>> Andrei, Alessandro, and Antoine
> Dave Raggett <>

Received on Monday, 31 July 2023 11:45:09 UTC