Re: State of the WebCrypto API

On 2015-10-12 13:53, wrote:
> Anders can you please try to be more positive and constructive about your posts.

I consider it constructive asking prospective members of pre-announced WGs to provide
input specifications *before* actually starting in order to not repeat the problems we saw in:

I believe Ryan Sleevi have said something similar as well.

> Is it not obvious here that one can use a Shim, and that older browsers never are
> retrofittted with newer standards?

IE 11 is Microsoft's most recent browser for their currently largest installed base of Windows.
Why does it still require a workaround?  Probably because there's limited demand for WebCrypto.

> I agree with Tony that this looks very much like trolling, much like many
> of your posts to  the WebID Community Group [1].

My postings in the WebID CG has only been about HTTPS Client Cert Authentication used by WebID-TLS.
You need no particular knowledge of linked data and RDF on *that* level.

Anyway, as we know, HTTPS Client Certificate Authentication is slowly but surely leaving the browser world
(Microsoft "Edge" already removed web-enrollment), so these discussions are only of historical interest.


Received on Monday, 12 October 2015 12:52:13 UTC