RE: [WebCrypto.Next] Support for HTML5's "keygen" in Windows and iOS

Be careful with the following assertion  I will note that Microsoft is supporting U2F in Windows 10

Philip Andreae
Tel: +1 (404) 680 9640

From: Tony Arcieri []
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2015 4:33 PM
To: Anders Rundgren
Subject: Re: [WebCrypto.Next] Support for HTML5's "keygen" in Windows and iOS

Keygen was created in the absence of a good user experience story. X.509 client certificates are already extremely problematic from a UX perspective, and <keygen> just makes it worse with a confusing onboarding workflow.

I will note that Microsoft is supporting U2F in Windows 10

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 11:43 PM, Anders Rundgren <<>> wrote:
Microsoft haven't implemented HTML5's keygen in spite of being a "standard".
The same is valid for iOS.

This makes the use of X.509 certificates quite quirky.

What's the way ahead then?  Since the world [apparently] is divided a better path
could be to offer a web interface that allows you to implement the "keygen" you want.

You see a pattern here?  No?


Tony Arcieri

Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2015 13:34:33 UTC