Re: New security fetaure : Looking for a home for a proposed Credential Management API.

On 10/10/14 5:20 AM, Mike West wrote:
> I'm fine with publishing through WebAppSec, as long as the WG is fine 
> with rechartering accordingly. We'd still want to ensure that folks 
> from WebCrypto and WebApps are looped in, of course.

Hi Mike, All,

Regarding `looping in` WebApps, I just wanted to let you know that if a 
tight coupling is desired, the credential API would need to be 
identified as an explicit joint deliverable in all of the relevant WGs' 
charters. For WebApps, which just started a new charter a few months 
ago, this would require a new re-charter effort. And, if there is broad 
agreement it is important for this API to be a joint deliverable with 
WebApps, then I would support that re-chartering.

On the other hand, if a looser coupling (i.e. no explicit joint 
deliverable) is OK, then we can work on out-of-band ways to assure the 
WebApps' community is `looped in`.

-Thanks, AB

Received on Saturday, 11 October 2014 12:50:05 UTC