Web 2.0 Security and Privacy 2011 Workshop CFP

The CFP is available online here:

> Web 2.0 Security and Privacy 2011 Workshop Call for Papers
> Important Dates
> Paper submission deadline: March 25, 2011 (11:59pm US-PST)
> Workshop acceptance notification date: April 22, 2011
> Workshop date: Thursday, May 26, 2011
> Workshop paper submission web site: http://submissions.w2spconf.com/
> Previous W2SP Workshops: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007
> W2SP brings together researchers, practitioners, web programmers, policy makers, and others interested in the latest understanding and advances in the security and privacy of the web, browsers and their eco-system. We have had four years of successful W2SP workshops. This year, we will additionally invite selected papers to a special issue of the journal.
> We are seeking both short position papers (2–4 pages) and longer papers (a maximum of 10 pages). The scope of W2SP 2011 includes, but is not limited to:
> Trustworthy cloud-based services
> Privacy and reputation in social networks
> Security and privacy as a service
> Usable security and privacy
> Security for the mobile web
> Identity management and psuedonymity
> Web services/feeds/mashups
> Provenance and governance
> Security and privacy policies for composible content
> Next-generation browser technology
> Secure extensions and plug-ins
> Advertisement and affiliate fraud
> Measurement study for understanding web security and privacy
> Workshop Co-Chairs
> Larry Koved (IBM Research)
> Dan S. Wallach (Rice University)
> Program Chair
> Helen J. Wang (Microsoft Research)
> Program Committee
> Dirk Balfanz (Google)
> Adam Barth (Google)
> Dan Boneh (Stanford)
> Suresh Chari (IBM Research)
> Hao Chen (UC Davis)
> Shuo Chen (MSR)
> Collin Jackson (CMU)
> Martin Johns (SAP Research)
> Larry Koved (IBM Research)
> Christopher Kruegel (UCSB)
> Ben Livshits (MSR)
> John C. Mitchell (Stanford University)
> Charlie Reis (Google)
> Thomas Roessler (W3C)
> V.N. Venkatakrishnan (UI Chicago)
> Dan S. Wallach (Rice University)
> Helen J. Wang (MSR)
> Mary Ellen Zurko (IBM Research)

Received on Monday, 17 January 2011 18:48:53 UTC