Re: The Origin header (was Re: HTTPbis and the Same Origin Policy)

> The Origin header as used in HTML5 is at best tangentially related to 
> the same-origin policy. It does depend on the origin notion, but it 
> has a different purpose. Same-origin is about preventing Cross-Site 
> Scripting (XSS) attacks. Origin (as used in HTML5) primarily helps to 
> mitigate Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. Same-origin policy 
> is about preventing actions on the client side. Origin is about 
> labeling requests to allow the server to optionally use that 
> information.

Not to be a total pedant, but since this is an issue near and dear to my 

same-origin is about mitigating XSS, not preventing it, right? Since in 
web apps that allow users to collaborate with content that might include 
(D)HTML, same-origin is of no help at all. right? 

Received on Friday, 4 December 2009 15:35:29 UTC