Re: What a prior art product must do

> A jury has already ruled against Microsoft in this case.  If the '906
patent was obvious from the patent law standpoint, my
> assumption is that Microsoft tried to make this point in court and lost.

yes Perhaps.
But patent filing, expertise and law are now clearly badly out of sync with
culture, technology and common sense.

Just because something is currently the law, does not make it right, or even

Even if Microsoft tried an 'obvious' defense - it may have been incomplete,
and more importantly may still be relevant. We *all* need to better
understand how public technologies can be polluted and hijacked by
individual or corporate manipulation. The web/Internet is now an essential
global public resource and needs intelligent protection. As important in its
own way as light, clean water, or fresh air..

And, as with many environmental issues, outdated or inept laws are now often
compounded by ignorance and self-serving business practices which cause
long-term social damage and obstruction to progress.

- Jason

Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2003 22:49:26 UTC