Re: What would it take?

El Martes, 16 de Septiembre de 2003 00:35, Chris 'Xenon' Hanson escribió:

>    So, we're looking for a Web Browser, shipping before the Oct 17th 1994
> date of the patent filing, that had embedded in-window media objects that
> launched program objects based on typing information, so that the user
> could view/experience the embedded media from within a context that was
> contained within the browser, and could interact with the media
> controller/presentation program object via the browser's context?

 Hmm question is, I know no on any working prototipe at that time. That is
the funny thing of soft patents. If Oct 17th 1994 someone ask the patent
maker to show exactly such thing I douft it to be able to do.

 Seriusly you american guys should ask for a working prototipe in every
patent. If diagrams are compulsory in hardware, source code should be
compulsory in software. Regretly the open source community does not
like patents, so it does not lobby for source code in the patents.

>    Have I missed anything?
The question of triviality. If based on previous known developments, the
patent is trivial idea for a software ingeneer, it can also be dismissed, but
at major juridical effort.


Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2003 03:37:10 UTC