Problems with IE 6.01 sp 1b

We have been attempting to use the suggested work-arounds and testing them
with the beta that Microsoft has made available.  Unfortunately, we are
finding that the results are inconsistent.  We are seeing the following
1.  Workstations that never get the prompt, even when the ActiveX is
embedded on the first document page
2.  Workstations that always get the prompt, even when the ActiveX is
contained in a second javascript file
3.  Workstations that change between always getting the prompt, and working
correctly, depending on how their security settings are changed.
4.  Workstations that work as expected.
So far, we have 1 workstation that works as expected, and 4 others that do
not.  Does anyone else have similar results, and does anyone know how to get
this feedback to Microsoft?
Chris Hinchey
Your Imaging Solutions Company
See our website at  <>

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 15:44:00 UTC