RE: Flash

Hi Craig,

I don't think that it is a coincidence that Macromedia launched the Central
project when it did. Central replaces the browser. However, how this will
affect the ubiquity of Flash is anyone's guess.

> Will it be possible to skirt the issue by linking directly to .SWF docs?

Even if it is, it will require changes to the current system (the SWF would
probably have to play in the external player -- unless they patented
launching an app via a hyperlink on a page too.)

It will also mean that pages that use a combination of Flash and HTML will
not be feasible.

Part of the allure of Flash (and one of the reasons why we have such
restrictive sandbox security in Flash) is to be able to run a SWF without
asking the user. I guess that the platform independence of the SWF will play
to its favor even if it is launched from a link but the experience on the
whole won't be much different from downloading an application and running

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