Re: Flash


As a Flash programmer, I certainly share your concerns.

I am curious where precisely the line is drawn on the 'plugin' issue.
Are browser plugins themselves an infringement of the patent, or is the
scope of the patent limited to the process of using embedded objects in 
'hypermedia' documents to control browser plugins? 
Will it be possible to skirt the issue by linking directly to .SWF docs?
How will this effect traditional client-side applications that support
OLE embedded objects, i.e. most of Microsoft Office?

Perhaps the most distressing of all eOLAS' claims (that I have yet to see
addressed), is the "invention" of remote computing - basically any program
running on a networked computer being controlled by another computer on the
network. This could have a devastating effect on distributed/web-based

Also, eOLAS holds a patent on the use of images/colors/pixels to access
or navigate information and claims "The patent also covers image space
collision detection technology believed to be currently in widespread use
throughout the computer game industry."

I guess the question is who they will sue next?

Craig Babcock
Alldat Corporation

Received on Friday, 29 August 2003 17:34:44 UTC