Re: Mixed namespaces

Philipp Hoschka wrote:
> XML Packaging (at least in its multipart MIME incarnation) won't exactly 
> be streaming multimedia. Also, receiving a video and and audio source at 
> the same time seems impossible.

I was more considering possible future work in XML Packaging, taking multiplexed 
streaming as if it were a single document.

I guess my broader point is that if this is a historical occasion to get rid of 
plugins for good, then I'd much rather see the W3C jump on it than try to save 
the plugin way of doing it. Surprisingly enough, I didn't quite expect to solve 
the issue with a ten word sentence comprised of three bullet points... I do 
however believe that there mixed namespaces and XML Packaging are avenues to be 
explored seriously.

With XHTML+SVG+SMIL+XForms in a mixed namespaces implementation, the vast 
majority of the current Web can be expressed, with gains in functionality and 
pretty much only AV content as the loss. Isn't it worth discussing it as an 
80/20 solution, while we come up with solutions to the harder problems of 
streamed media and see how a streamed binary payload and XML documents can be 
made to be a single document (and hopefully not fall under the patent, as is the 
case with the data: URI)?

Robin Berjon <>
Research Engineer, Expway
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Received on Friday, 29 August 2003 08:26:01 UTC