Re: Mixed namespaces

Philipp Hoschka wrote:
> Robin Berjon a écrit:
>> Mixed namespaces, XML Packaging, and a proper way to wrap it all 
>> together... hmmm, the Web at large might become an interesting place 
>> again :)
> While this is certainly and exciting vision, it presumes that all 
> formats are represented in XML - but there are currently no XML formats 
> for compressed video and audio. Also, one of the strengths of the Web is 
> that it is able to integrate any format.

I understand the issues, which is why the list went beyond just mixed 
namespaces. Also, I seemed to understand that it would be ok to embed content so 
long as the program wasn't controlled, is that correct? Is there any assesment 
of how direct the control ought to be (since simply loading is already a form of 
control)? Would changes in the *container's* SMIL timeline, affecting the 
timeline of AV content indirectly, count as interaction?

Robin Berjon <>
Research Engineer, Expway
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Received on Friday, 29 August 2003 07:50:18 UTC