from October 2013 by subject

[2dcontext-tests][html-tests] Fix canvas generator (#367)

[2dcontext-tests][html-tests] Make the generation script produce manual tests in such a way that their names reflect it (#370)

[ambient-light-tests] Add more test cases for Ambient Light Events (#395)

[battery-status-tests] Submission/ldeluca (#376)

[conformance-checkers] [cc] Added some parser tests for charref errors. (#357)

[conformance-checkers] [cc] Allow whitespace in CSS MQ <ratio> for @media (#328)

[cors] New cors status codes (#341)

[dom-tests] Add a test for the Document constructor. (#391)

[dom-tests] Added tests for some event dispatching edge cases. (#380)

[dom-tests] Use an explicit 'subtest' query parameter to select the subtest, instead... (#397)

[dom-tests][html-tests] Revert "Merge pull request #358 from ayg/submission/ayg-use-webidl2" (#363)

[dom-tests][html-tests] Use webidl2.js instead of WebIDLParser.js (#358)

[dom][html] Update the createHTMLDocument tests for changes to undefined handling in... (#361)

[DOMEvents-tests][FileAPI-tests][IndexedDB-tests][XMLHttpRequest-tests][battery-status-tests][config.json-tests][cors-tests][dom-tests][eventsource-tests][html-templates-tests][html-tests][navigation-timing-tests][old-tests][page-visibility-tests][progress-events-tests][][test-assets][test-infra][user-timing-tests][webmessaging-tests][websockets-tests][workers-tests] Make tests self-hosting (#378)

[DOMEvents-tests][FileAPI-tests][XMLHttpRequest-tests][config.json-tests][cors-tests][dom-tests][eventsource-tests][html-templates-tests][html-tests][navigation-timing-tests][old-tests][page-visibility-tests][progress-events-tests][][test-assets][test-infra][webmessaging-tests][websockets-tests][workers-tests] Make tests self-hosting (#379)

[DOMEvents-tests][IndexedDB-tests][XMLHttpRequest-tests][battery-status-tests][cors-tests][dom-tests][eventsource-tests][html-tests][old-tests][user-timing-tests][webmessaging-tests][websockets-tests][workers-tests] Update tests to use normal/long harness timeouts (#340)

[DOMEvents-tests][needs-dir-mv-phase-2-tests] Move David Bruant's DOM Events tests into position. (#58)

[ElementTraversal-tests] Remove obsolete copy of the ElementTraversal tests that now live under dom/nodes/. (#364)

[eventsource-tests] new test for EventSource + request cancellation (#285)

[FileAPI-tests] ms2ger file api submission (#54)

[html-longdesc-tests] added tests for html-longdesc (#382)

[html-tests] Add 7 tests to test the style element (#374)

[html-tests] Add a test for the absence of a named getter on select elements. (#240)

[html-tests] Add file of test For the type number of semantics forms input element. (#336)

[html-tests] Add some tests to test the meta element (#384)

[html-tests] Add whole load of tests for "Loading Web Pages". (#304)

[html-tests] added tests for the Meter Element and the Progress Element (#330)

[html-tests] new test for semantics tabular-data tr.sectionRowIndex (#390)

[html-tests] Tests for document.lastModified on 3.1 Documents (#334)

[html-tests] Tests is attribute of input [type = checkbox] (#386)

[html-tests] Tests is attribute of input [type = radio] (#387)

[html-tests] Update window-properties.html to current WebIDL. (#394)

[html-tests] Xiaojunwu/the bdo element (#383)

[html-tests] Xiaojunwu/the bdo time element (#383)

[html-tests][old-tests] Add a test for HTMLScriptElement.text. (#392)

[html-tests][old-tests] Delete tests looking for the audio attribute in <video> since it doesn't exist (#369)

[html-tests][old-tests] Deniak/google old tests (#368)

[html-tests][test-assets] Deniak/opera old tests (#393)

[IndexedDB-tests][XMLHttpRequest-tests][dom-tests][hr-time-tests][html-tests][navigation-timing-tests][page-visibility-tests][performance-timeline-tests][user-timing-tests][webstorage-tests] Cleanup some idlharness tests and make it clearer what they test. (#388)

[media-source-tests] Added idlharness tests for the MSE spec. (#377)

[microdata] Reflect the changes to DOMTokenList in the microdata tests (#360)

[notifications-tests] 1st try at idlharness.js test for Notifications. (#366)

[notifications-tests] append test cases for Web Notification API (#332)

[old-tests] Delete tests looking for the audio attribute in <video> since it doesn't exist (#369)

[old-tests] Remove some tests that do not add anything over Aryeh's reflection tests. (#389)

[orientation-event-tests] Import test cases from DVCS for Device Orientation Event (#350)

[pointerevents-tests] Submission/microsoft/pointer events (#324)

[pointerevents] Submission/microsoft/pointer events (#324)

[shadow-dom-tests] Provide proper arguments to DOMImplementation.createDocument(). (#365)

[shadow-dom-tests] shadow-dom: Provide proper arguments to DOMImplementation.createDocument(). (#365)

[test-infra] Enhance the coverage tool to allow for groups of specs to be estimated together. (#362)

[url-tests] URL tests from (#319)

[webaudio-tests] [Web Audio] Added Audio API tests: MediaElementAudioSource interface (#396)

[webdriver-tests] Adding WebDriver Modal tests (#381)

[WebIDL-tests] Remainder of my tests (#271)

[WebIDL] Remainder of my tests (#271)

[websockets-tests] Binary type (#372)

[websockets-tests] some tests in websockets/constructor does not refer constants.js (#333)

[webstorage-tests] Fix the link to the WebIDL parser in Storage's idlharness test. (#373)

[workers-tests] Make propagate-to-window-onerror.html actually run. (#371)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] moving helper .js files for timeout tests to resources/ folder (#375)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] new test for setRequestHeader() with value arguments empty string, null,... (#385)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] New XHR test fixes, solving issues found in Firefox test run (#343)

Some HTML5 i18n tests missing (#274)

Last message date: Thursday, 31 October 2013 23:36:05 UTC