Re: Call for Consensus: Incubations adoption

On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 1:29 AM Benjamin De Kosnik <>

>>> Mozilla is interested in prototyping layout instability, but is
>>> concerned about the potential overhead in making this a part of a standard
>>> and required for every page load.
>> Is the concern around implementation overhead, due to buffering?
> Implementation overhead, additional traversing of paint trees or marking
> items, buffering, etc. We'll know soon enough, and then report back.
>> To be clear, the CFC is about whether this is a draft the WG wants to
>> adopt as a Working Draft, not whether this is e.g. ready to advance in the
>> standards track beyond it.
>> The question is, do we want the exploration to continue to happen in the
>> WICG for now, or move to the WG?
> Seems like a great first topic for the next call.

Great, I'll add it then! :)

> best,
> -benjamin

Received on Tuesday, 18 August 2020 04:34:58 UTC