[2/8/17] webperf group call @ 10AM PST

Hangout: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/chromium.org/webperf-wg

--- Agenda:

   - *Performance Timeline*
      - Performance.timing shouldn't be deprecated
      - Clarify disconnecting a PerformanceObserver that has observed
      entries <https://github.com/w3c/performance-timeline/issues/66>
      - Clarify sort order for entries with equivalent startTime
      - Clarify how PerformanceObserver invokes the callback

   - *Resource Timing*
      - Clarify whether UA can clear the buffer under memory pressure
      - Increase limit of 150 for PerformanceEntrys?

      - Long Tasks, Paint Timing: do we need to update WG charter?
   - Long Tasks / Paint API v1 progress updates
   - Beacon: test + Fetch integration updates

Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2017 02:01:18 UTC