Re: More on workerStart

This may be a tangent, but to followup on Todd's question on GH about main
doc and iframes [1]..

> The main document and the iframe can somewhat reason about each other
even without the worker by comparing navigationStart times, I think.

Yes, but this requires a roundtrip, which is the same problem we're trying
to solve for workers? Would it make sense to expand the scope of this
discussion to a method that can accept both worker and window objects to
compute their respective startTime's?



On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 1:01 PM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:

> On 6/8/15 2:45 PM, Justin Rogers wrote:
>> For comparison, the few methods/properties that are cross domain on
>> window we represent as [msDoNotCheckDomainSecurity].
> Yes, Gecko has something similar.  In spec terms right now, this is all
> defined in prose in the HTML spec, which is actually rather suboptimal.
>  (whereas on a parameter it means don't check anything and just store it).
>> Currently, event constructors and event init methods seem to be the
>> lion's share of things that take a Window for the viewArg.
> So that's an interesting discussion.  See
> In particular, MessageEvent is defined in the HTML spec as taking
> WindowProxy, not Window and just stores the object.
> It might make some sense to me to just use _that_ as the differentiator: a
> WindowProxy arg is just stored and must not be touched without a security
> check later, while a Window arg gets security-checked and can then be used
> for stuff.
> The other semi-interesting case is Location, of course; I don't know what
> the situation is for that one right now and it doesn't have the convenient
> WindowProxy thing... but security checks for Location are pretty weird
> too. is relevant
> here and has been for a while.  :(
>  I suspect those would have to be upgraded to [AllowCrossOrigin] since
>> there are likely no restrictions today.
> Actually, Gecko will throw a security exception right now if you pass in a
> cross-origin viewArg to an event constructor.
>  Note: This was a tiny canvasing, I didn't account for object or any types
>> to see if there would be an "additional" security check needed for those
>> cases.
> Object or any would just get stored as-is (storing the WindowProxy). Then
> if you ever try to get a Window out of it later whoever does that should
> security-check imo.
> -Boris

Received on Tuesday, 9 June 2015 20:51:51 UTC