Re: More on workerStart

On 6/8/15 2:45 PM, Justin Rogers wrote:
> For comparison, the few methods/properties that are cross domain on window we represent as [msDoNotCheckDomainSecurity].

Yes, Gecko has something similar.  In spec terms right now, this is all 
defined in prose in the HTML spec, which is actually rather suboptimal.

> (whereas on a parameter it means don't check anything and just store it).
> Currently, event constructors and event init methods seem to be the lion's share of things that take a Window for the viewArg.

So that's an interesting discussion.  See

In particular, MessageEvent is defined in the HTML spec as taking 
WindowProxy, not Window and just stores the object.

It might make some sense to me to just use _that_ as the differentiator: 
a WindowProxy arg is just stored and must not be touched without a 
security check later, while a Window arg gets security-checked and can 
then be used for stuff.

The other semi-interesting case is Location, of course; I don't know 
what the situation is for that one right now and it doesn't have the 
convenient WindowProxy thing... but security checks for Location are 
pretty weird too. 
is relevant here and has been for a while.  :(

> I suspect those would have to be upgraded to [AllowCrossOrigin] since there are likely no restrictions today.

Actually, Gecko will throw a security exception right now if you pass in 
a cross-origin viewArg to an event constructor.

> Note: This was a tiny canvasing, I didn't account for object or any types to see if there would be an "additional" security check needed for those cases.

Object or any would just get stored as-is (storing the WindowProxy). 
Then if you ever try to get a Window out of it later whoever does that 
should security-check imo.


Received on Monday, 8 June 2015 20:01:50 UTC