It should "just work" --- you will get main frame records for every frame
that gets sent from js to the various browser's rendering subsystems. So by
combining the frame timing API with a performance observer, you should be
able to compute the frame rate not only of a page containing webgl, but
also say a video tag as well. +mpb and +vmpstr in case I'm off base.
On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 11:31 AM, Evan Nowak <> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I work with WebGL on a regular basis and I’ve had difficulty finding a
> robust way to measure interactive framerates. Timing intervals between
> requestAnimationFrame callbacks provides decent results when in an
> animation loop. However, my application’s frames are event-driven, so
> there isn’t a persistent rendering loop with which to measure framerate. I
> was excited when I encountered the frame timing api, because it looks like
> it might be useful in the context of my problem.
> After spending some time perusing the draft spec and the “explainer
> <>”, I haven’t seen any
> explicit mention of using the API for timing WebGL frames. However, it
> seems like this could be done, assuming the WebGL work done for one frame
> can be correlated to a composite event.
> Since I haven’t seen any explicit mention of WebGL, I wanted to email this
> group for two reasons:
> 1) To express interest in the API as a WebGL developer, so that you know
> the interest is out there.
> 2) To ask: will the API, as it stands now, support timing of frames
> with WebGL content?
> Thanks,
> Evan