Re: [agenda] teleconf 2014-12-10

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 8:33 AM, Philippe Le Hegaret <> wrote:

> I didn't come up with an agenda so I guess not. Happy to put one
> together for next week however. Anything special you'd like to see on
> it?

- Feedback on new NEL draft (I believe Tobin and team might have something
for this week?)
- Followup on redirect handling in NT/RT? Any feedback from Jason/Jatinder?

In other news, I'm working on a first cut of Server Timing, should have
something to share today/tomorrow, and Nat + myself are also iterating on a
proposal for ~"Performance Observer", hoping to have something in the next
few days as well.

We also have a few issues that popped up over the last few weeks, perhaps
its worth discussing those?


Received on Tuesday, 3 February 2015 17:48:59 UTC