Re: [resource hints] preconnect, preload, prender

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Patrick Meenan <>wrote:

> Hints here would actually be quite helpful - the UA could (probably will
> in the case of Chrome) always treat preconnects as lower priority than
> connections for known resources but if predictor history is available then
> the need for preconnect hints basically goes away anyway.  Looking at
> something like map tiles delivered based on js logic, it would be pretty
> helpful to know to preconnect the max number of connections to the tile
> server rather than just one.
> Specifying the actual number of connections doesn't feel right though.
>  Optimally, a ballpark on the number of resources and their average size
> would let the UA apply it's own heuristic (lots of small images vs a few
> large items) but that's not terribly developer friendly.

To clarify, I'm not saying we shouldn't have preconnect hint -- we
definitely need it. Rather, I'm just saying "connections=N" attribute
should be left to the UA. In our brave new world of HTTP/2 we should only
need one connection anyway.


Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2014 22:36:42 UTC